9:00 am
Charlotte’s Closet
Join us for an exciting in-person event, Charlotte's Closet, on Saturday October 21, 2023 at the Petrolia Legion, 4129 Glenview Road, Petrolia. For $10 you can scoop up to 5 items to add to your wardrobe - talk about the ultimate deal! Discover a treasure trove of donated new and gently-used women's clothing at Charlotte's... Read more »
Find out more »4:30 pm
Roast Beef Dinner to Go
Roast Beef Dinner Advance ordering required by Oct. 16th Scheduled pick up times every 15 minutes from 4:30-6:30. Please call / text Ruth Syer at 519-383-9085 or emailarsyer@brktel.on.ca to place your order E-transfers can be sent to the church at office@stpaulsunitedpetrolia.net
Find out more »7:00 pm
RJ & B Acoustic Trio
October 21st, 2023: RJ & B Is an acoustic trio band that covers some of your favourite tunes! Doors open at 6pm. Admission is $10 per person. Come on out and support/enjoy some great local talent! 7-10pm. RSVP HERE: https://www.petrolialegion216.ca/events-1/acoustic-trio-rj-b
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