7:00 am
Weekly Darts
Come out and join us in the 216 Lounge and show off your dart tossing skills. Prizes and cash bar.
Find out more »9:00 am
C.E.E.H. Auxillary Valentines Chocolate Extravaganza
At the Hospital 9-noon or when we runout!
Find out more »11:00 am
YMCA Petrolia Boomers
February 6- Fall Prevention with Ontario Provincial Police February 13- The United Way with Ryan Doyle February 20- BINGO! Join us for an afternoon of Bingo! February 27- Canadian Foodgrains Bank with Norman Holbrook Social at 11:00am, Lunch at 12:00pm and Speaker at 12:45pm.
Find out more »1:00 pm
Weekly Pepper
Come and join the crew and play a few hands of Pepper in the 216 Lounge.
Find out more »6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Off the Cuff @ Black Gold Brewery
Off the Cuff will be performing live at Black Gold Brewery on Thursday, February 13th at 7PM!
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